Plant, Machinery and Vehicle (PMV) Management module provides an integrated solution for supporting the operational needs of an enterprise-wide system. The module includes an entire family of products covering all aspects of plant, machinery and vehicle maintenance and becomes integral to the achievement of process improvement.
The PMV module provides all the essential tools to implement a complete maintenance program. PMV is designed to help protect your tools, machines, gages, devices and other equipment by automatically tracking usage and generating maintenance work orders. The maintenance labor scheduling capability allows for increased efficiency and reduced labor costs. Customizable tasks and templates make upkeep thorough, accurate and easy to maintain.
It is designed cohesively within the Horizon. It links to Scheduling, Project Manager, Purchasing, Inventory, HRMS and the financial system (AR/AP and Fixed Assets). Maintenance tasks are assigned to the equipment along with a time or usage interval, associated worker skill levels and material inventory requirements — all tailored to your environment. Equipment usage is captured automatically and calculates when maintenance is required or can be created manually for emergency or other needs. Best of all, time, inventory and other related costs offer a complete maintenance history.
Maintenance items can be machines, tools, inserts, dies, auxiliary equipment, gages, calipers, devices or any other item or activity that needs regular maintenance or service. Maintenance intervals can be tracked by days, hours or cycles.
Each task contains unique information as it pertains to the equipment, including skills and spare parts required, time to complete, recommended maintenance intervals, drawings, schematics and other information.
Work orders can be generated based on machine, tool or equipment usage. Work order history is maintained to provide a complete maintenance audit trail.
Labor can be scheduled and planned by labor type based on PMV Schedule and labor capacity.
Activity Summary provides a complete picture of cost activity against equipment, including purchase orders, AP/AR, labor consumed and materials used. Single click drill-down to the details is available.
Shows all bills of material and inventory items manufactured from machines, tools and auxiliary equipment to quickly identify which products may be affected by maintenance activities.
Covers all maintenance tasks such as Inspection, Servicing and Repair activities
Reduce equipment downtime through regular maintenance
Reduce labor costs and increase efficiency by scheduling PMV labor
Enable users to recognize possible weak points within technical system in good time
Lower expenditures by reducing last minute and emergency repairs
Easily create a complete audit trail for maintenance
Streamline reporting of labor, spare parts usage and costs
Reduce administrative tasks by automatically generating and printing work orders
Accurately provide up-to-date financial information on equipment
Provides Integrated Business Reports that help in reducing the duration and cost of downtime as a result of damage.